Welcome to the Sinfar Wiki! Here you will find information about the server, its various areas and systems, guides and introductions.
You can help by populating the Wiki with new articles. Please respect that any article on here should be written in as an objective manner as possible, focusing on facts and information. If you write info about areas of the server, please avoid spoiling surprises and focus instead on general things and/or the area history. Articles may include specific characters who may hold prominent positions, but should not be a substitute for the in-game descriptions available on nwn.sinfar.net and in game.
The first articles can be copied over and re-styled from the old Wiki at https://sinfar.net/
Getting Started - Diamond Edition
Getting Started - Diamond Edition on Linux
Getting Started - Enhanced Edition
MediaWiki has been installed.
Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.
Fiery Imp was here. [ugly spray painted tag]