Development Guides

From Sinfar

This page will contain methods to work with some systems on Sinfar on a technical level The first idea for this page to exist was the lack of documentation from the original creators on Sinfar who did not leave any info on some systems so they are going to be written down here as explored and figured out respectively

Body parts

Normally in NWN body part files are named in this manner "pfa0_chest241"

Body Parts

But Sinfar uses an extended range of Torso and Pelvis models which have the right in the "type" part an "x" letter that sits between the type name and its underscore so the final model name looks like this "pfd0_xchest261" compared to "pfa0_chest241"

Head V2

Sinfar also uses new head models which have their own model naming standards In the game when browsing the head models you can find categories like "Human" --> "Female" and "Female 2" from this we can construct the name of the model used by this category being "hhead_fh2_061" where "hhead" seems to be static and "fh2" indicates most likely Female Head 2 and the number 61 is the same ID as in the game used as normally