Custom Emotes
The system is based on the Custom Emote command !CE \\ \\ \\ Syntax to make your own emote macros :\\ \\ !CE:[SET_EMOTE|DELETE_EMOTE|LIST_EMOTES|DO_EMOTE|DUPLICATE|CUSTOM_EMOTE]+\\ \\ SET_ EMOTE = "Set" - EMOTE_NAME - EMOTE\\ DELETE_EMOTE = "Delete" - CUSTOM_EMOTE\\ LIST_EMOTES = "List" - [CUSTOM_EMOTE] = List all of the defined custom emotes\\ DO_EMOTE = "Do" - EMOTE = Execute the requested emote\\ DUPLICATE = "Duplicate" = Duplicate your custom emote item\\ CUSTOM_EMOTE = EMOTE_NAME = Execute the pre-set custom emote\\ \\ EMOTE_NAME = [(A-Z)|(a-z)|(0-9)]+ = An identifier for the custom emote\\ EMOTE = [EMO|ANIMATION|MOVEMENT|DELAY|FREEZE|UNFREEZE|FOLLOW]*\\ \\ EMO = "Emo" = SINFAR_EMOTE\\ SINFAR_EMOTE = [(A-Z)|(a-z)|(0-9)]+ = Attempt a Sinfar emote eg : ESIT\\ ANIMATION = "Anim" - ANUMBER [APHENO [ASPEED [ADURATION]]]]\\ \\ ANUMBER = [0-9]+ = The animation number\\ APHENO = [0-9]+ = The phenotype number\\ ASPEED = [0-9]+[.[0-9]]+ = The speed default 1, 2 is double speed, 0.5 half speed\\ ADURATION = [0-9]+[.[0-9]]+ = The duration\\ \\ MOVEMENT = "Move" TARGET [DISTANCE [BEARING [FACEING]]]]\\ TARGET = ["Self"|"PC"|PLACEABLE]\\ PLACEABLE = [(A-Z)|(a-z)|(0-9)]+ = Appearance name of a nearby placeable.\\ DISTANCE = [0-9]+[.[0-9]]+ = Distance from TARGET 10 is one whole tile.\\ BEARING = [0-9]+[.[0-9]]+ = Angle for the bearing relative to target facing.\\ FACEING = [0-9]+[.[0-9]]+ = Facing direction relative to the target.\\ DELAY = [0-9]+[.[0-9]]+ = Pause for this long, then do what ever is next.\\ FREEZE = "freeze" = Freeze the Animation.\\ UNFREEZE = "unfreeze" = Freeze the Animation.\\ FOLLOW = "follow [DISTANCE]" = Follow the nearest PC at this distance.\\ \\ \\
Custom Emote Examples =
\\ !CE:Set Hug Move PC 0.5 0 180 Anim 29 0 = Creates the CUSTOM_EMOTE "Hug".\\ !CE:List = Lists all the custom emotes you created so far.\\ !CE:Hug = Executes the CUSTOM_EMOTE "Hug".\\ !CE:Delete Hug = Rather obvious.\\ !CE:Do Follow 0.5\\ \\ \\ Nota : The created emotes are held on a therefor created token in your inventory.\\ \\ \\ More examples :\\ !CE:SET Bitch MOVE SELF 0 0 180 ANIM 23 9 = Creates the custom emote Bitch.\\ !CE:ADD Bitch DELAY 0.75 FREEZE = Addition of a parameter to the custom emote Bitch.\\ \\ !CE:SET BHEEL ANIM 0 22 DELAY 1\\ \\ !CE:SET BHEEL MOVE PC 0.5 135 180\\ !CE:ADD BHEEL ANIM 23 9 DELAY 0.75 FREEZE\\ !CE:ADD BHEEL UNFREEZE ANIM 0 22\\ \\ !CE:SET LOUNGE ANIM 9 102\\ \\ !CE:SET CLOUNGE MOVE COUCH 0.5 0 90 DELAY 1\\ !CE:ADD CLOUNGE ANIM 9 102 MOVEB MOVER MOVER MOVER\\ \\ !CE:SET BOOTLICK MOVE PC 0.5 0 0 ANIM 25 75\\ !CE:ADD BOOTLICK DELAY 1 FREEZE\\ \\ !CE:SET HEADOWN ANIM 25 75 DELAY 1 FREEZE\\ !CE:SET BENT ANIM 21 77 DELAY 1 FREEZE\\ !CE:SET HOLDASS ANIM 22 77 DELAY 1 FREEZE\\ !CE:SET SERVE ANIM 31 77 DELAY 1 FREEZE\\ !CE:SET PSPREAD ANIM 27 77 DELAY 1 FREEZE\\ \\ !CE:SET SIT MOVE CHAIR 0.5 180 180 ANIM 6 0\\ !CE:ADD SIT MOVEB MOVEB MOVEB MOVEB\\ \\ !CE:SET HUG MOVE PC 0.2 0 ANIM 29 0\\ !CE:ADD HUG DELAY 3 MOVEB ANIM 34 42\\ \\ !CE:SET HEEL ECRAWL DELAY 1 FOLLOWCLOSE\\ \\ !CE:SET BLINDFOLD HABLACKBANDAGE\\ \\ \\
Sinfar Animation References
\\ Pheno 0 - Normal\\ 21 - Kneeling\\ 22 - Bent at waist\\ 23 - Supine spread\\ 24 - Dance\\ 25 - Dance\\ 26 - Lay left, head up\\ 27 - Lay right, head up\\ 28 - Hug Arms and legs\\ 29 - Hug Arms Standing\\ 30 - Crouch\\ 31 - Point\\ 32 - Deep in thought\\ 33 - Headache\\ 34 - Fold Arm\\ 35 - Dance\\ 36 - Signal advance\\ 37 - Crouch\\ 38 - Hang suspended, legs dangling\\ 39 - Chop with Axe ?\\ 40 - Sleep\\ \\ Pheno 3 - Riding Mount\\ 23 - Thrown from horse backwards\\ 24 - Lose control of horse?\\ 25 - Thrown from horse forwards\\ 29 - Pull reigns ?\\ 30 - Spear Stab ?\\ 32 - Pull reigns ?\\ \\ Pheno 9 - Custom Female Sexual Emotes\\ 22 - Cowgirl, submissive\\ 23 - Doggy Style, submissive\\ 24 - Missionary, submissive\\ 25 - Cowgirl reverse, submissive\\ 26 - Doggy Style, against wall submissive\\ 30 - Masturbate laying back (female)\\ 36 - Jump chasm\\ \\ Pheno 16 - Fly, Some interesting suspension emotes but hard to use\\ \\ Pheno 19 - Custom Male Sexual Emotes\\ 22 - Sex supine, lifting partner\\ 23 - Doggy Style, dominant\\ 24 - Missionary, dominant\\ 25 - Cowgirl, dominant\\ 26 - Doggy Style, against wall dominant\\ 30 - Masturbate laying back(male)\\ \\ Pheno 20 - Custom Sexual Emotes\\ 21 - 69 Underneath\\ 22 - Supine to be pleasured\\ 23 - Supine to be pleasured, leg raised, caressing breasts\\ 24 - Give pleasure kneeling\\ 26 - 69 Above\\ 27 - Give pleasure laying left\\ 28 - Give pleasure sitting\\ 29 - Masturbate kneeling (female)\\ \\ Pheno 21 - Bound\\ 23 - Supine spread, bound\\ 24 - Supine spread, bound, knees raised\\ 28 - Hug Arms and legs, bound\\ \\ Pheno 22 Crawl\\ 9 - Plead on knees ( a bit odd! )\\ 11 - Laughing on knees, ( painful !)\\ 107 - FF Greet from knees\\ 112 - FF Read from knees\\ 113 - FF Drink from knees\\ \\ Pheno 23 - Suspension\\ 21 - Hang from arms, legs together\\ 22 - Hang from arms, legs spread\\ 23 - Stand, feet together with arms spread above head\\ 24 - Stand, feet spread and arms spread above head\\ 25 - Stand, feet together and arms spread to sides\\ 26 - Stand, feet spread and arms spread to sides\\ 27 - Hang upside down, legs together, arms dangling down\\ 28 - Hang upside down, legs spread, arms spread\\ 29 - Hang upside down, legs together, arms behind back\\ 30 - Hang upside down, legs spread, arms behind back\\ \\ Pheno 39 - Stocks, puts you in stocks complete with placable\\ \\ Pheno 40 - Hold Item, Mostly holds an object in your right hand but also\\ 21 - Play instrument\\ 22 - Sit chair loop drinking ( male ? )\\ 102 - FF Drink + wipe mouth\\ 104 - Salute with drink toast\\ 105 - Drink\\ 106 - Drink\\ 107 - Greet with Drink\\ \\ Pheno 42 - Custom Sexual Emotes\\ 21 - Supine, legs spread above head\\ 22 - Crouch, eat from floor\\ 27 - Couple with legs around waist\\ 28 - Kneel low, oral sex while playing with self\\ 29 - Kneel medium, oral sex while playing with self\\ 30 - Kneel high, oral sex while playing with self\\ 31 - Kiss standing and embrace\\ 32 - Supine and kiss\\ 33 - Prone and kiss\\ 34 - Hug affectionate but coy\\ 35 - Kneel low oral\\ 36 - Kneel medium oral\\ 37 - Kneel high oral\\ 38 - Pelvic thrusts while lifting partner\\ 39 - Pelvic thrusts taking partner at medium level\\ 40 - Dance the waltz\\ \\ Pheno 43 - Crawl Low\\ 6 - Supine on Alter\\ 7 - Supine, hand on tummy\\ 21 - Push-up\\ 40 - Stand to attention\\ 114 - Roll Tummy\\ \\ Pheno 54 - Arcane - also has some male emotes for female chars\\ 6 - Sit chair with legs spread (male emote for females)\\ 7 - Sit floor with legs spread (male emote for females)\\ 19 - Hang from one arm arched\\ \\ Pheno 75 - Sexual intercourse emotes\\ 21 - Hugging, legs raised\\ 22 - Standing on one leg, hugging\\ 23 - Supine, legs over head\\ 24 - Prone, bottom raised, taken from behind\\ 25 - Bottom raised, head down, taken from behind\\ 26 - Give oral sex kneeling\\ 27 - Give oral sex supine\\ 28 - Give oral sex, inverted\\ 29 - Give oral Sex, kneeling, using breasts\\ 30 - Kneeling low, fondling breasts, taken from behind\\ 31 - Standing sex, supporting lifted partner\\ 32 - Standing sex, supporting lifted partner (extended)\\ 33 - Take partner from behind\\ 34 - Squatting, Dominant snail position (extended)\\ 35 - Squatting, Dominant snail position\\ 36 - Dominant standing (extended)\\ 37 - Squatting Low\\ 38 - Standing, hugging partner\\ 39 - Standing with partner on table\\ 40 - Supine with knees bent and legs spread, hands behind head. (extended)\\ \\ Pheno 76 - Sexual intercourse emotes\\ 21 Lay Left looking up, legs spread and used\\ 22 Lay Left, Stretched affectionate\\ 23 Supine, Hands over face bobbing head\\ 24 Supine, Fondling Breast\\ 25 All Fours, Bottom up, taken from behind\\ 26 Upside down, resting on shoulders, legs spread, using foot\\ 27 All Fours, Bottom up, taken from behind, Fondle Breasts\\ 28 Hug, Legs around waist\\ 29 Hug, Standing\\ 30 Crouch\\ 31 Lay Left looking up, legs spread and used\\ 32 Lay Left, Stretched affectionate\\ 33 Kneel with head low, suck holding with hands\\ 34 Kneel with hands low, rubbing\\ 35 Kneel one knee, with hands medium, rubbing\\ 36 Stand with legs spread wide, using hands\\ 35 Kneel one knee, with hands medium, rubbing left\\ 36 Stand, legs spread, pleasure partner at waists height\\ 37 Kneel one knee, with hands low, rubbing left\\
Pheno 102 - Frolic\\ 2 - Wiggle\\ 4 - Stocks Low\\ 5 - Dance\\ 6 - Sit chair cross leg\\ 9 - Lounge on couch\\ 10 - Dance\\ 11 - Prone over partner.\\ 12 - Kneel one knee, hand on floor.\\ 13 - Masturbate sitting on the floor.\\ 14 - Sit on table and be used.\\ 15 - Masturbate standing, female\\ 18 - Masturbate standing, male\\ 19 - Standing, offering pelvis.\\ 20 - Dance with partner\\ 21 - Cowgirl, Submissive\\ 22 - Doggy Style, Submissive\\ 23 - Missionary, Submissive\\ 24 - Cowgirl Reverse, Submissive\\ 25 - Doggy Style, Wall, Submissive\\ 26 - Sex Supine, lifting partner.\\ 27 - Doggy Style, Dominant.\\ 28 - Missionary Style, Dominant.\\ 29 - Cowgirl Dominant.\\ 30 - Doggy Style, Wall, Dominant.\\ 31 - 69 Underneath\\ 32 - Supine to be pleasured.\\ 33 - Masturbate kneeling (female).\\ 34 - Kiss standing.\\ 35 - 69 On top.\\ 36 - Give pleasure laying left.\\ 37 - Give pleasure kneeling.\\ 38 - Kiss holding partners bottom.\\ 39 - Supine holding partner.\\ 40 - Masturbate Kneeling (male).\\ 41 - Oral sex also using breasts.\\ 42 - Fire pistol.\\ 104 - Fire Crossbow ?\\ 105 - Load Weapon ?\\ 106 - Stocks, bent over.\\ 108 - Petulant Flounce.\\ 109 - Wriggle ass.\\ 110 - Slap own ass.\\ 111 - Vertical hogtie suspension arched.\\ 112 - Sit Bed/Couch, Read\\ 113 - Sit Bed/Couch, Drink\\ \\ To find the animation & phenotype in a current animation , type the command : !e info\\ \\ System Credits : Serenity.\\ \\ \\