From Sinfar

A player's guide to understanding IC (In Character) vs OOC (Out of Character) interactions .

Joining a new gaming community always takes some time to get used to, especially when the main focus of those communities can be different: Pvp, Rp, Social or any combination of those or others. What is said and done Out Of Character should not mix or affect what is said done and emoted In Character. Each player should do their best to not mix the two.

Out of Character

  • Everything said and done as a player that is not considered roleplay.
  • Every OOC comment should be marked as such, either with dialogue beginning with // or contained within (( ))
  • OOC comments should be kept to a minimum in public channels; this interrupts the flow of what's going on, and can be very disruptive to others around the ooc situation. Take it to PMs, or party, where it doesn't irritate anyone else.(1)
  • Don't go out of your way to abuse IC interactions, turning your ooc disagreements in character or bully players you might have a problem with.