Hello, this page is for ADMINS, DMS, and fellow builders.
Currently, the only contribution I have is for the following ERF: https://nwn.sinfar.net/res_list.php?erf_id=988 - or, the Casino.
The Casino is meant to be a dual purpose gambling/arena, with opportunities for players to host events and stage auctions, and whatnot- by discussing with the owner and master of the area, Mebriewiel Relimion.
Each token roughly costs 1000gp.
Tickets can be redeemed for 500gp
The primary purpose of the casino isn't to reward money to the victors, but tickets, which they can cash in for valuable prizes. This is not a money farm, but a money sink, where people can go out and farm monsters and spend their money in the casino, hopefully socializing with others in the process.
The area is located in the Waterfront District of Sinfar City.
I will organize the assets by their purpose:
Entering the area:
Main Script: cas_areaonenter
This script controls the various functions PCs have applied to them when they enter the casino.
Thus far it does one thing: Assigns the variable NITAKETOKENS int 1, to the entering PC. This has it so players who enter the arena will always have only one token taken from them by the slot machines- incase they forgot they did something silly and set themselves to 100 tokens and forgot to change it before they leave. Notably, the Slot Machines will not take ANY tokens from the player if this variable isn't assigned to the player, so it is to avoid an exploit.
Secondary Scripts: cas_onenterarena, cas_onexitarena
These two scripts control access to the actual gambling portion of the casino. You are required to make a deposit of 100,000gp to play the games. It is returned with cas_onexitarena. It will not let the player enter the area if they do not have sufficient coins. This was a mostly in character decision rather than an OOC necessary one and can be removed and the area modified (blame arockravensbeak).
Buying Tokens:
Players purchase tokens from the help desk NPC. The choices are set via dialog.
Scripts required: cas_createtoken1, cas_createtoken5, cas_createtoke10, cas_createtoke25, cas_creattoken50, cas_creattok100, cas_creatok1000
These scripts spawn the requisite number tokens into the player's inventory upon receiving payment.
Dialog: cas_helpdesk
Handles generic variables and token purchasing.
NPC: cas_helpdeskguy
Tier 1: (10-25 tickets)
Plushies, dolls, little visual toys and gadgets players can use on each other as gags or pranks.
Tier 2: (25 -100 tickets)
Crafting Reagents.
Tier 3:(100 - 2500 tickets)
Various scripted items, such as Spin the Bottle. The Slutsnatcher Grappling Hook, other misc items.
Tier 4: (2500 - 5000)
Tier 5: (5000 + tickets)
Flashy VFX weapons and properties.
Game At The Casino:
Main Script: cas_slotmachine
Handles the majority of the functions of the slot machines. Odds are currently 15% chance of winning any type of combo. Triple 111s are to set to 10%, 222 = 5%, 333 = 2.5%, 444 = 1.25%, 555 = 0.75%, and 666 = 0.1% chance of winning.
Betting more tokens on the game does not increase the jackpot accordingly. Playing 2 tokens at a time increases pay out by 25%. 3 tokens increases pay out by 50%. 4 = 75%, and 5= 100% more tickets. (So, playing 2 tokens and if you were to hit 555 = 125 tickets, versus 200.) This is to encourage spending.
Secondary Scripts: cas_slottoken1, cas_slottoken10, cas_slottoken25, cas_slottoken50, cas_slottoken100
These scripts are set by the Help Desk NPC found on either side of the casino. They control how many tokens a player uses per pull at the slot machine.
Placeables: cas_yellow, cas_red, cas_purple, cas_orange, cas_green, cas_blue
These placeables are used in cas_slotmachine to make a placeable fire appear above the slot machine as a visual representation of the numbers.
Dialog: cas_helpdesk- the dialog here contains the method by which the secondary scripts are assigned to the player.
NPC: cas_helpdeskguy - NPC with the dialog on him.
Main Scripts: cas_dealer_spawn, cas_dealer_ud, cas_deal_liston
These two scripts are critical to the game functioning. The cas_dealer_spawn handles the on_spawn functions of the game, assigning the ListenPatterns required for cas_dealer_ud to work. The latter script handles the bulk of the functions and how the game works.
cas_deal_liston initializes the game, and makes it so the NPC is ready to hear out players so he isn't constantly listening for PCs.
Players can assign how much they wish to bet. Generally, payout is 1.5x per token bet. So if a player bets 1 token, it's bumped up to 2, and if a player bets 5 tokens, they are rewarded 7. If they bet 10 tokens, they are rewarded 15 tickets.
The game uses listener functions so wonky behavior can occur.
Secondary Scripts: cas_bjnumplay1 (1-4), cas_bj_wager1(1, 5, 10, 50, 100), cas_bj_playtest(2, 3), cas_bj_giverules, cas_dealer_sit,
- cas_bjnumplay controls the number of players permitted to join the game. (max 4)
- cas_bj_wager1-100 controls how many tokens are bet on each round of blackjack.
- cas_bj_playtest handles various states of the game
- cas_bj_giverules hands the player how the game is played.
- cas_dealer_sit tells the dealer to sit in his god damn chair.
Conversation: cas_blackjack - handles setting player number, wager amounts, rulebook giving.
NPC: cas_blackjackdea - handles the game overall.
Main Script: cas_wheeloffire
This script handles the overall function of the game. Essentially, it creates a vfx circle that is applied to the ground in a spherical shape along the diameter and rotates swiftly at first then slows down, landing on a number and applying a unique effect to handle the winning number. Players who bet on that number are rewarded 4x what they bet.
Main Scripts: cas_arenastart, cas_arenaper, cas_arenaospawn, cas_arenaondeath, cas_arenaonclick
- cas_arenastart spawns the monsters and controls the SetIsTemporaryEnemy() function, and tells them to attack each other have a delay. Additional functionality may be added to randomize appearance and weapons.
- cas_arenaper - deprecated, can be removed probably. Not removing because it isn't doing any harm, really.
- cas_arenaondeath - checks for the variable I_BET_ON_RED, I_BET_ON_BLACK, and handles reward functions, despawning the corpse, and deleting the surviving monster from the bout. Deletes variables on surrounding players if the BET functions are found.
- cas_arenaonclick - prevents bets during a monster bout. Assigns variable and deducts tokens from player who is placing bet. Controls how many tokens are being bet with BET_AMOUNT as a local variable. This is an OnClick Event.
- TO BE MADE: cas_ondamaged - checks if a PC damaged the creature. Refund tokens based on the I_BET_ON_<color> int <tokenAmount> variable. Sends message to online staff that X person is attacking arena, blue, NPCs. Allow PC best judgment.
I intend for the reward to be 1:1- one token = one ticket. You win tickets if the creature you bet on won the match.
Secondary Scripts: cas_arenadestroy, cas_arenadespawn, cas_arenadialogu, cas_onexitarena, cas_onenterarena, cas_shrineheal
- cas_arenadestroy- in case monsters persist in the arena, use this script to destroy the NPCs spawned by cas_arenastart. Called by the conversation: cas_arena
- cas_arenadespawn called on the OnCombatEnd- can probably just be removed.
- cas_arenadialogu called on the OnUsed event of the placeable called 'arena handler' in the area.
- cas_onenterarena/onexitarena - These apply and remove the iAmInArena variable to prevent players from starting a monster bout if PCs are in the arena dueling.
- Shrine in the arena that heals combatants after a bout.
Dialog: cas_arena - handles how the arena works, starts matches, sees if people are in bouts, etc...
Creatures (so far): cas_arenablack, cas_arenared
Two golems based on colors.
Items: cas_arenaredsmas, cas_arenablackpu
creature weapons to give golems appropriate weapons.
Miscellaneous Amenities:
Main Scripts: cas_bedroomcharg, cas_finalspeaker, cas_mebsolporn, cas_deletevariab, cas_assignvariab, cas_destroyproje
- cas_bedroomcharg Charges customers for use of the suite. Each suite will have a projector panel to spawn a recorded sex show from a library of options available in the dialog cas_projectoropt. 5000 gold for each amenity. Placed on a chain's onused event.
- cas_finalspeaker is the final version (for now) of the code that handles 'recorded projections'. It will spawn two or more npcs based on their resref, and based on a variable on the creatures spawned, assign spoken text at a 45 second interval in incremental order based on variables based on the placeable the script is attached to. Basically, it generates the text logs of people's intimate roleplay, or stories for more benign reasons.
- cas_mebsolporn - earlier, prototype version of cas_finalspeaker, will soon be deprecated and removed.
- cas_assignvariab/cas_deletevariab: assigns a variable that the cas_bedroomcharg checks for to prevent the door unlocking if people are currently inside. Assigned on a trigger. Also used in the baths and meeting room.
- cas_destroyprojec - deletes the projector and the creatures it spawned.
Conversations: cas_projectoropt - select which show you want to watch.
Main Scripts: cas_spawnfloor1(1-6), cas_bathscharge, cas_deletevariab, cas_assignvariab, cas_flr_optcv
- Cas_spawnfloor(1-6) - changes floor type, water to lava to liquid gold.
- cas_bathscharge, same as cas_bedroomcharg
- cas_delete/assignvariab- same as above.
- cas_flr_optcy - onused placeable script that generates the cas_flooroptions dialog
Dialog: cas_flooroptions, handles choosing what sort of bath the player wants to pay for and spawn/remove the previous one.
Placeables: cas_floorwine, cas_floorwater, cas_floormud, cas_floorlava, cas_floorgold, cas_floorchocola